
i know itz really bizarre posting a msg in dis really odd hour rite now.
god !!! haha just can't wait to share dis experience wif everyone i noe, wat had just happened to me while i was alsleep!!
well itz kindda early to call anyone to share wif it hehe,so then i felt like

" hey!! why dont i just share it wif all of you ^^"

after done the shooting of "exit six" today i went home'n took a nap, just been way too busy shooting dese couple of weeks
however i got up around midnight, showered, read msgs you guyz left me, n' went bak to my bed to sleep again.
i fell asleep rite away'n dreamt a very awesome dream,which of course i couldn't tell ya'all ^^hehe, but umm i guess it was around 230.
all the sudden, i woke up'n opened my eyes cuz i realized i was laughing then i thought i saw something like an old dude, sleeping peacefully,
who REALLY looks like BRUCE WILLIES ( im not kiddin'^^) on my rite hand wall. first thing dat poped into was like

"wat da heck?? bruce willies?? come on wat is he doing here??
am i still dreamin' or itz something i should've seen??"

i turned and looked around my room. it was really dark but i could still see things in my room. i didnt think much then i fell into asleep again.
haha i noe im a pig ^@^yah!! but god noes how long da time has gone by. all da sudden i woke up again for no reason
i opened my eyes rite away!!( hehe we are getting to the best part).

i saw a BLACKISH shadowed-like-stuff thingy, i would say CLOUD at the ceiling floatin' down slowly to the wall, which was pretty close to my feet by the time when it floated.
i was like
" wat dat ..NOooo it can't be... but wat is it?? NOOO waY I MUST be tired it....??"
rite the moment i got goosebumps all over me n' i jumped up,i believe less then 0.5 sec, wif my pillow in my BOTH hands. i leaned forward tryin' to look closely.
i couldn't believe wat i just saw,it was totally "UNBELIEVEABLE" unbelieeeeeeeeeeeveble !!

guess wat i did... i actully had a chance to have "pillow fight" wif IT, dis blackish-shadowed like crap, and i turned on the light rite away. WELL!!

it just vanished.

PS itz not a madeup story. it has just happend couple hrs ago. i have no idea wat it is??
all of ya can take a wild guess la!!! ^___________^ hohoho
大家一定想問為甚麼打英文呢?? 因為我英打快阿 很多FANS來自國外 加上七點通告 所以啦!! 如果害怕著別看好!
只是太精采了 我一定要記錄下來 喝喝^^b
有很多英文是網路專用語 算是英文的火星文吧 ^^
如有看不懂 改天解答啦 ^^ 六號出口 拍攝去摟!!
PS 原來咒怨的動畫不是亂蓋的︿︿"

    創作者 eddiepeng0324 的頭像

    PengYuYen - Eddie

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