four days trip to tokyo went very well. It was fabulous, though it was tiring doing non-stop promos and interviews, I still think it was great i lub it. thank you all the staff from SPO and fans in Japan, you people made my day. And also presents and letters i have read them and i luv them like always ha^@^. however, shopping part of this trip was "failed".....NOOOoooo,,,,, T______T well there is always a next time!!
這次去東京宣傳電影"六號"和"基因" 兩年沒去日本這次去感覺又不太一樣
"恩味道還是正 好味阿!!"
"wat da,,,@#$%!!!"
這次東京之旅 很趕 應該說是趕爆爆 只有工作 沒得偷閒 但還是很開心 雖然沒逛到 但有狂吃到
結果 拉拉拉 肚肚痛 邊拉邊宣傳 感覺還蠻HIGH
"較你早休息你看八 活該"
"難得來ㄟ 當然要吃一下阿"
"半夜吃三碗 胖死你拉"
"怎樣拉 我爽 啦啦啦啦~~!!"